Photography I Art Education &  Research I Artistic Direction


My artistic work focus is on photography and the moving image.

Since my graduation as a director for film and television in 2005 at the Filmuniversität Konrad Wolf Potsdam-Babelsberg and as a photographer from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design London in 2008. I have collaborated as an artist with institutions worldwide. My work is published internationally. I won a couple of awards, grants and artist-in-residencies over the last years. In 2019, I also finished my PhD studies in artistic research at the Kunstuniversität Linz in Austria. I work as a researcher and lecturer at universities and as an artistic director for cultural education and participatory photography projects.

Sternenstaub (Stardust), 2022

Photo from the photo film projection

Murnau, Kunstverein (Art Society), Germany