A new chapter in my life begins. Starting in February, I will be doing postdoctoral research on democratic culture in immersive digital environments at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. I am very much looking forward to the new task and research within this amazing EU Horizon project.
I am very happy that the journey of the photo collage continues. Now it can be seen in Cham at: Orange Der Anziehladen Ulla Mayer Auf d. Schanze 4, Cham A big, heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this photo collage, the installation and the journey possible.
Happy that the Photo-Collage went on its tour. A special thanks to the Robert-Schuman-Gymnasiums Cham for your wonderful and heartful support. Look here: Es geht um eine riesige Fotocollage mit Bildern aus Cham.Facebook · Chamer Zeitung A wonderful article about the cooperation with the Robert-Schuman-Gymnasiums Cham written by Cestmir Mican. Thanks a lot for the great reportage.
It was a great pleasure to participate at the Hurricanes and Scaffolding: Symposium on Artistic Research last week. The presentations were amazing, especially the Show an tell format, in within I presented was a very great experience. Check out the programme: https://www.umu.se/en/umarts/about-the-conference/
It was a great pleasure and I am very happy about the first installation of the Stille Post Wo gehe ich immer vorbei, that was created while being in Cham during the mobile atelier residency. The tour of the photo-collage that was created im raum. Thomas Riedl Schwanenstraße 16, Cham.
Happy about all the wonderful people who participated.
I am very happy that my article "Moving towards each other – Reflections on participation", which was written for the event „Teilhaben, Mitmachen, Gestalten – Partizipation in der Kunst“, Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft & Kulturbüro Mönchengladbach, Maria-Lenssen-Garten" in June 2024, has been published today on the blog-website of the "Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft" . It was a real pleasure working with you all!...
As part of the BBK's mobile studio in Cham, a course from the university was visiting on October 24th. Together we reflected on human learning versus machine learning, the mobile studio as an example of knowledge transfer (third mission) and design thinking methods in project development. Thank you very much for your visit! It was great to get to know you. And let's stay in contact :-D
It was a great pleasure to me to have the teachers and pupils of the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Gymnasium Cham for a visit over at the mobile studio this week. https://www.jvfg-cham.de/de/aktuelles/meldungen/2024-11-05-12-01-33.php
The photo series created during the international research studio on architectural photography “You only know what you see” - buildings and their representations as a source of knowledge about Franco-German relations in Saarland after 1945 in September (organized by ENSA Strasbourg, BTU Cottbus, Franco-German University (DFH)) are exhibited at the annual conference of the German Werkbund (Saarbrücken, October 3-6, 2024, Pingusson-Gebäude).